Sale of high-quality foie gras Hong Kong China

Sale of high-quality foie gras Hong Kong China


Iberian pluma : one of the best cuts !  The Iberian pluma is taken from the front part of the loin. The pluma is  triangular-shaped and is characterised by its extremely lean and tender meat. The meat and the fat are partnered together which provides it with a delicious nutty taste. The Iberian p...
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Volaille fermière de Normandie livré partout en France

Volaille fermière de Normandie livré partout en France

Gourmet Exception, grossiste, vous propose sa gamme de Volaille fermière de Normandie au départ de Rungis, livré partout en France.  Gourmet Exception votre spécialiste de volaille fermière sur Paris, la France mais aussi à l'internationnal...
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Our services in the sector of Hong Kong China

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IBERICO BELLOTA HAM - 48 months - With Bone - D.O

IBERICO BELLOTA HAM - 48 months - With Bone - D.O

The Ibérico Bellota ham is a product derived from the Ibérico pig. It is raised freely in the dehesa and fed on acorns and other natural pastures where they roam freely for 18 months. Aged for 48 months and naturally dried, this Ibérico Bellota ham is an exquisite ham renowned for its taste. This ...
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Our area of ​​activity for this service Sale of high-quality foie gras



Gourmet Exception is delighted to offer you caviar from the producer, selector, and refiner Sturia. Originating from Aquitaine, this caviar is traditionally crafted with special attention to ethical production to respect the fish, the environment, and the consumer. Delicate, subtle, complex, and...
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You are the owner of a gourmet restaurant in Hong Kong China and are looking for a wholesaler of meat or poultry? Gourmet Exception has recognized expertise in the export of top-quality gastronomic products in Hong Kong China. We pay particular attention to the conditions in which the animals were raised. Discover the cooked meats, fine poultry,and several tasty red meats offered by Gourmet Exception on this website.

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Un monde d'épices, le spécialiste de la vente d'épices en ligne au meilleur prix sur le web. Une grande variété d'épices du monde mais aussi des sels, poivres et baies et autres condiments disponible sur leur E-Shop. Livraison gratuite dès...
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Taron est une marque de la société AVIGROS implanté sur le M.I.N de Rungis au pavillon de la volaille

Grossiste en volaille et charcuterie Halal RUNGIS TARON M.I.N de Rungis Taron.

"Grossiste en volaille et charcuterie halal à Rungis" Taron est une entité commerciale du groupe Avigros.  Fournisseur grossiste de volaille et charcuterie Halal depuis 1914. La société Taron est implantée au coeur du M.I.N de Rungis, le plus grand marché frais européen.   De la volaille e...
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Origine france garantie
Origine france garantie
Label Rouge
Label Rouge